Originally Posted by 68Stepbed
My chassis is mostly complete, and next on the list is cleaning and repainting the engine. I will be installing a new cam, lifters, timing chain, and roller tipped rockers, so the engine will be partly tore down. What is the best materials and methods to clean and paint the engine while it's still in long block form? I read the article in Classic Trucks, but it wasn't good on detail.
VHT paint stripper CAREFULLY applied, then clean with a good water-based solvent (I like Super Clean too

and as noted, lots of brushing

Once you feel that it's clean, a good washdown with lots of water and then I prep them like I do for painting - I use a good pre-paint cleaner (I'm a PPG guy, but Eastwood PRE works pretty well). Finally, nice wet coats of VHT.
I haven't tried the POR or Eastwood engine paint but I plan to on an upcoming build of a buddy's engine.
Note that it might be a good time to take your die grinder and clean up some of the casting flash.
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