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Old 10-12-2006, 12:56 AM   #13
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Re: Can't get ahold of feul cell guy. What to do?

Originally Posted by abadsvt View Post
I know some are out of alluminum and some are stainless. Is it worth extra money to go with stainless?
The tank from Brothers is made by No Limit, and is made out of Aluminum. It is on the small side, about 19 gallons, if I remember correctly. We used it in our truck, and it fit well and all. And you can get it with the fuel injection pump installed. When we bought ours, it was about the only alternative to the Blazer/Sub tanks, and just looked so much better. The Early Classic tank is stainless, and actually looks like it mounts up in a better manner than the No Limit tank. Plus, the big one has pretty good capacity.

I have heard that stainless is a better material for tanks, especially if you are going to run alchohol. If I had it to do over, I would have gone with stainless.

As for fuel pumps, the in tank variety is much better, and the almost universal advice is to use a pump from the F bodies and Corvettes(or other LS1 engined cars) or later model trucks (I think 99 and up). You will need 45 to 50 PSI for most FI engines.

Last edited by nandress; 10-12-2006 at 12:57 AM.
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