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Old 10-16-2006, 12:38 PM   #2
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Re: Looked at an 87 today

Around here that would be a high price. Without pics, and not knowing how prices are where you live, it is hard to say.

The 305 and 350 use the same size intake. I don't know any way to tell them apart without looking up the numbers on the back of the engine. They are cast into the block beside the distributor. You can look them up on BTW, my 305 had the number 305 cast into the side of the block in numbersabout an inch tall, but I have heard that is a little unusual. I think it was on the driver's side, but I am not sure.

An '87 should have center bolt valve covers. That was the first year for them. It should also be fuel injected.

'86 Chevy C10 (Sold 04/19/13 )
Stock '01 Silverado
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