Re: Engine Hesitation?
Mine had the same type of hesitation. A mechanic told me the carb was warped and it had a serious vac leak. He offered to put a rebuilt qjet in it for only $680! I opted not to do it. After putting in a recently rebuilt carb, the same thing happened. I had to set the timing all the way to about 25 BTDC. I think the PO put the distributer in wrong. I think he had it at TDC on the exhaust stroke instead of compression/fire. I haven't had a chance to check it yet, but it runs great when set waaaay advanced.
1971 GMC 2500 4x4
1972 GMC Sierra Grande 1/2 t 4x4-#1 son's truck. Recently completed resto.
4 YO daughter," Daddy, I like your truck better than Mom's." (2000 F350-ranch truck) Smart kid!!