I would NEVER take my truck to any kind of lube place, or dealership. They don't know their a$$hole from their elbow. Besides I could do the job 10 times better, and pay myself.
Our Jetta went for its first oil change after we bought it brand new. The punk kid stripped the drain plug putting it back in, and the next morning after getting it back there's a huge puddle of oil in my parking space. I had to add a quart, and drive over immediately on a workday to have them fix it. Since I'm under warrantee I HAVE to have them do it. It sucks.
When I was in highschool I used to work at a hardware store where we rented out lawn mowers, tillers, etc. Every damn weekend one of the ditsy girls who works up front would rent out a piece of equipment and NOT check to see if it had oil in it, or call us up to handle the equipment. I must have helped rebuild 10 small engines while I worked there. They'd be completely seized. All they had to do was check the oil...
'69 3/4 ton C20 2wd-350ci/TH400
'69 3/4 ton Custom 20 2wd-350ci/4sp Manual
'99 2wd 5.7 Chevy Tahoe
Seattle, WA.