Re: Rally Center Caps ?
the NOS thing has got out of hand on a lot of part's , I'll tell you something else to look for and makes up 90% of the NOS part's for sale right now and that is the part's GM had made up in the 1980's , for a long time all they way up to 1987 or so you could walk in chevrolet dealer and get new GM part's such as fender's 1/4 panel's rocker panels and all , the problem is and most people did not know and still don't is that those 80's rerun's are not the same qaulity or gauge as the original part's were , it's easy to spot them also the part number label has a (GULP) bar code on it ,
I searched for month's and had the money to buy a set of NOS front fender's for my 1967 camaro but all I found was the 1980's one's with 1960's prices , I ended up getting a used one and fixing the original on the other side , my point is NOS IS RARE AND HARD TO FIND !!!!!!! AND HIGH$$$$$$$$$ when you do find it , hope you get you'r money back on the cap's ,,,