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Old 01-09-2007, 09:48 AM   #1
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Gotta move my engine (and everything else!)

Anyone have any pictures or ideas for a quick, inexpensive "cradle" to move my engine on? I have to be moved in less than 2 weeks and the stuff in my shop is a killer... I have a 454 on the engine stand right now but need to make a cradle for it so I can carry it safely in my other truck. I have an engine lift to pick it up and move it etc. Thanks all!
"A cat will almost always blink when hit between the eyes with a ball peen hammer"
(you don't always have to state the obvious)

Wear your PPE! You can eat with false teeth but you can't see with a false eye.

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1972 C10 L6 3OTT
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