Originally Posted by cdowns
i figure everyday i wake up it's a good day // the alterritive isn't very appealling
Man I hear you there, Thats what I ment that there are far worse things that can happen, but this still stinks.. well on a positive note I got the old computer fired up at home and found a free internet site, Its verrrrrrryyyyy
ssssllllooooowwwwww , , , , But it is free! At least I can surf for jobs at home instedd of at the public library with some kid next to me trying to look at porn... dang kids LOL.
Thanks to all for your warm and caring thoughts, hopfully I will be bringing in the dough again soon. I also hope I dont have to sell any of my 70 chevy parts.... I did put my 4 wheeler on craigslist today though, if any one is looking for a Big bear 400 4x4 with a plow Im yor man! PM me.