Originally Posted by bad_turbo
Are you willing to relocate? Might find more job oppurtunities elsewhere
Thats right, I forgot about monster, I will be surfing there later. I might consider relocating, I came from cali 4 years ago and have had poor luck with jobs since I have been here, I like california but the housing is soooo out of whack, but for the right job, who knows. Oregon is nice to, I would say east coast but that might take its toll on my rust free chevy. LOL
Well I will start the search here first to avoid having to uproot the family, but if I dont find some promising leads by next week I will expand my search.
My wife figuerd that we have about $4500 going out per month, know wonder why she was crying, now she is freaken me out.
Thanks again for every ones help.... Keep it comeing, I need a job!
Or the winning lottery #s would be fin to