Been there done the T-shirt.
Was a VP of Ops for a company (venture capital funded) and they ran out of money...told me I could work for free. I opted to not work for free.
Making $180,000 and then laid some emergency jobs @ $10/hour stocking DVDs at Best Buy, Selling Qwest DSL and merchandising Carhartt apparel at a number of stores. Felt very humble to go from Exec to worker bee...had tons of thoughts like "I am more highly trained than this" etc for a while...but after a while felt OK...still had to eat. Check for some part time work.
We were OK...because prior to being laid off I got out of debt ... helped me prioritize my expenses and reduce about $95,000 of debt in about 18 months.
He can also help out on the prioritization when one loses employment. Four Walls are most important.
1. Roof over head
2. Heat and utilities
3. Food and clothing
4. Transportation
Everything else goes on the back burner and does not get a penny as long as you are in survival mode. It will amaze you how you can fend off creditors and how toothless their threats are and how much power you really have.
Good will be OK. Hug your wife...she is scared right now and needs your support.