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Old 11-14-2002, 07:22 PM   #24
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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I'll try to find/scan the article I have, which corosponds with everything I have ever read on it.
One that I have read, (and no longer have so it can be considered here-say) is that GM didn't chainge it back then becouse the old man (Max Grabowski) Said they had to keep it in the conditions of the sale. Since then, GM polititcs play a huge roll in what is said and done, and the General Motors Truck Company was already considered to be the real meaning, they kinda plaied it out. (If that was the case, where did the T go to In GMC? Wouldn't it be GMTC?
Kinda like the 396/402 deal....that same book stated that the only reason they went to 402 in '70 is inner corporate politics. Since the Small block was increased to 400 cube in '70, they did not want a big block (which was supposed to be the biggest and baddest in the muscle cars) to be dwarfed by a small block. No Fire in a storage place, no mistake on the casting...just politics, plain and simple.
Just like the Correvete always had more power than the cammaro...even though there were years that they both had the exact same specs, the fiberglass wonder always posted more H.P. in the spec sheets.
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