Thread: good question
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Old 02-06-2007, 10:27 AM   #4
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Re: good question

My wife has been for a few rides in my 70 (LFD's Low buck truck build) and liked it for the most part. It is still under construction so it has a long way to go. She is a car freak as well so that really helps.

Quick story, My Ex and I had to meet to sing our divorce papers and I pulled up in my 71 SWB that I bought as soon as she was moved out. It was a real nice truck, hugger orange, bagged super clean interior, but when ever I mentioned getting one she would always say trucks should be raised not lowered and it would look like crap! But that night after signing the papers we walked out and she saw it parked on the street and said how nice of a truck it was. I told her that is what I had been talking for years and she says OH i did not think it would look that good. Then I showed her the keys and told her it was mine for picking up her replacement! True story!

LFD Inc.
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