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Old 02-06-2007, 11:06 PM   #1
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What is the best cruising RPM ?? I need a good rear ratio and tranny!

Hi, I have some problems with tranny and rear selection..
I have been trying to cut corners and determine a tranny that will hold up to my moderate perf 454, it has lots of cam and I will be going with a standard tranny..
I have been looking at Tremec 6 speeds, all the gears are great ratios until the 6th.. it is 0.50. so with my 29 inch tall tires I will only be doing 1500 RPM at 65 MPH. This is far to low isn't it?? I know corvettes run at 1300 RPM on the hiway(same tranny), but this can't be done with my carburated engine can it? people say I need my engine at a minimium of 2000 RPM.

I really would like an overdrive but I don't know of any other popular affordable Trannys that will hold up to 500lbs of torque..? muncies are great, but they lack an over drive, I don't want to drive down the hiway doing 3300 RPM.
I wanted a Tremec TKO-600 but they are too much (would have been perfect).

Have any ideas!??
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