Re: New Gears & Tire Size
Here is what I figured out. First off, are you sure your speedo was accurate with the 33's and 3.73's? My bet is no as most don't get the speedo corrected after moving up sizes in tires. So what that means is, you have to compare to what would have been stock or around 31" tires with the 3.73's. Look at it this way:
Right now: 3.73's, 33" tires works out to 2279 rpm @ 60 MPH
Projected: 4.10's, 33" tires works out to 2505 rpm @ 60 MPH
Stock: 3.73's, 31" tires works out to 2406 rpm @ 60 MPH
(this is based on a 1:1 gear ratio in high gear, no OD)
To put it another way, when you moved up to 33's with the same gear ratio, your speedo started spinning faster (each tire revolution travels further with a bigger tire), by the amount of 3 mph @ a true 60 mph.
Now from what I've figured you aren't going to be too far off with the 4.10's. But if your speedo was accurate with the 33"/3.73 combo and then changing to 4.10's then to correct the speedo by tire size alone, you would have to run a 36" tire.
I'd check to see how accurate your speedo is now before you change the gearing. Unless somebody has added a different gear on the speedo drive at the trans or a ratio corrector box at the speedo, chances are your setup is off to begin with.
Rob Z.
1975 K5 350/465/205/D44/12b 4" lift on 35's- RIP
1991 K5 8.1L/NV4500/241/D44/14b FWC Camper