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Old 02-27-2007, 09:50 AM   #58
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Re: What parts aren't out there?

I discussed many of the above with "The Truck Shop' from Orange County who imports millions of $$ worth of this stuff. They have no interest in expanding the 'sheet metal business" as it is too costly to produce, too expensive to ship and too problematic with damage in shipping. They make their $$ with the little chrome stuff.
As discussed above --things like 71-2 tow hooks that are cast and bring over $250. a pair--wouldn't be damaged in shipping and little issue with fit/finish/dents!! The blazer rear seat hold downs are another item that could be easily re-popped and bring $35-55. a set and would probably cost less then $5. to manufacture with quantity.
Long bed, short bed, Blazer rear floors could be an interesting product as once the tooling is made for the long bed, the short and blazer floor could be a simple cut down with minimal tooling. The basic pattern would allow for solution for all three. Just providing the rear 6" would also be a great seller as this is the most common "first area" to rust out due to the dirt pocket created by the wrap down of the floor rib pattern.
Finally a tooling for Shoulder belts using full size webbing would not only be extremely popular, but you would be doing a service for everyone who drives one of these trucks---and will probably save a life or two in the process!!!
If I can help in any way, just let me know~~~`Huck
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