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Old 03-04-2007, 12:47 AM   #7
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Re: An Economaster on a 350?????

Back in about '82 or so I put one of those Holley Economasters on a '67 longbed w/ a 350. I don't remember what CFM, if there were others besides the 450, but I was happy with it. It got better milage than with the wore-out Q-jet that it replaced. HOWEVER, I later used that carb on a blazer-same motor as the truck-and it sucked out loud! Apparently the bowl holds less gas, or the needle valve shuts it off to soon or something, but it won't let you go up a hill that is very steep. I found this out hard way, getting down into a place that was steep both ways out. This is not a good carb for any off-roading!
'68 Panel
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'68 C-10
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