Well, I am a new guy here as of this weekend. I inherited a 1969 c10 LWB 2WD 3 on the tree, that my great grandpa bought brand new and has been sitting at my great uncles house for the last 10 years or more.
I went down there and got it fired up and running in less than 3 hours. New oil, coolant, battery and fuel and it was good to go! Got to get the brakes set and it should be ready for the road. I also got a Haynes Manual on ebay so I will begin the fun.
Some questions:
1. I know I have an I6 but which one is it? Any tips?
2. What is a good parts catalogue. I know I need a tailgate already.
3. It has a 3 on the tree and I have no clue what type of fluid to drain and refill it?
4. The bench seat is shot and it has a pretty cool looking cover on it. Any sites that have good bench seat covers for the c10?
5. Any other info that you guys can provide would be a huge help. Like what else I need to do to it to get it running in decent shape.
Here are some pics of it!!
Thanks in advance guys!