Case by case for sure! I would guess about 1000 for a base clean frame up. What I would recomend doing is start a list and stick to that order for dissasembly and for the build up. Get very detailed on just what you want to do and then put prices and guess the amount of hours that you think it might take. Add it all up and figure if you can afford it now of will it be $200 an month or $500 a month. Then be real honest with your self and figure out how many hours you will spend a week/month working on the truck. This will give you a very rough starting budget and a even more rough starting build calender.
Now take your budget and add 30-50% to that number and about the same for the hours.
Just to compaire for project "Low Buck" I am doing it as cheap and easy as I can and I still fugure 250-300 hours and this is not a frame off. Just a build as you drive kind of job. I also have a rough budget of about 5k total on this one but keep in mind I am redoing almost everything my self so it is mainly parts. I hope to bring it in way below this # but I want to be ready if it does'nt.
My 70 2WD Blazer I am figuring between 2000-3000 hours but this will be a full on show rig that will be very custom but still retain a stock look. As for a budget on this one in parts along I plan on spending *@#$% !! Sorry my wife might see this one
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