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Old 03-22-2007, 01:42 PM   #12
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Re: Update - Tune Parts are In - - Now What???

Originally Posted by poff View Post
...That carb looks like it is in decent shape. What ever you do not trade it in for a rebuilt carb. If you buy a rebuilt carb keep that one, do not take it in as a core. The Q-Jets that you get from autopart stores are usually beat and have been rebuilt too many times.
Yeah, the carb does look pretty good all things considered. I assume it is original to the engine, which only has around 100,000 miles on it.

Like I said earlier, this engine has run great up until just a week ago, when suddenly she won't idle - - hot or cold. I do not think this is choke related, because even with the engine at operating temp, and the choke butterfly all the way open, it runs poorly.

I spoke to a local carb rebuild place this morning. They agreed that I would be better off to have this original rebuilt (since it was originally working so well with the engine). They suggested around $250 for a rebuild (plus another $45 for the choke pull-off if required). These are Canadian prices.

It was also suggested to me that I should try and shoot some air through the carb to see if possibly the jets or ports have clogged up. I'll probably give it some shots of carb cleaner as well and then turn the compressor on it.

Any other thoughts?
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