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Old 03-22-2007, 05:00 PM   #18
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Re: Update - Tune Parts are In - - Now What???

Originally Posted by WorkinLonghorn View Post
You posted in another thread that you were getting black smoke and that the choke valve was open all the way. That leaves float-bowl level too high as the next logical area to check. If it's been 100,000 miles It's due for a "rebuild" anyway so just do it and you will be happy you did,believe me. Do it yourself,it's easy,interesting,and you will be satisfied in your own ability to fix your truck yourself,and you'll be reminded every time you stab the peddle and feel all that re-newed power.
The choke was open all the way when the engine was at operating temp, not when cold. The rough running symptoms are the same whether the engine is hot or cold. Also, manually manipulating the choke (i.e. forcing it open of closed by hand) does not seem to effect the running condition.

My gut is just telling me this thing is not getting the fuel it needs. And the sudden on-set of this condition (i.e. overnight), tells me there is a "catastrophic" failure somewhere. I'm thinking I may replace the fuel pump and see what happens. It's less than $30 and easy to get at, so that's maybe the next step.

I would also like to take the time to rebuild the carb, but if that ends up not being the current issue, then that may wait till later....
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