About time I introduce myself
Great Site!!! I've been checking out the posts for a few months now but haven't introduced myself.
I'm in S. Florida. I have always owned Chevrolets. I currently have a 2004 Crew Cab Z71 4x4, a 95 Montecarlo and a 1969 C20 4x4. I also have a 72 Blazer parts truck but theres not much left to it. I have owned 4 other 68-72 Chevys but they were parts trucks as well. The 67-72 Chevys are getting hard to find in my area for parts.
A little about my 69 3/4 4x4:
I have owned it about 18 years. I bought it at auction for $400, it was an old Fire Truck. I originally bought it to restore but have used it for hunting for the past 18 years. Now I am "finally" restoring it. I have rebuilt everything; motor, trany, transfer case, rear end and I am currently swapping the drum brake front end to a disk front end. It has 8 inches of lift and new 17/40 Ground Hawgs on 16.5x12 inch rims. The body comes next! I can't wait to post some pic's when it's finally finished!!!