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Old 04-07-2007, 07:58 AM   #6
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Re: My '67 Suburban and a couple questions

i can help you but some of the things you might want to do might cost more money then you want to spend the heater core was easy on my 1972 3/4 ton i'm building it cost me over 9500.00 to build it to work its almost new all new factory replacement wirte harness you could go to pain less but i had my harness in in 2 hours painless will take you 1 day if you work fast i like the factory stuff cus it comes with all the gutters all the plugs and its so dang easy to put back in

see the hump in that bottom pic this is a 3/4 ton but it came with a low hump so i was not able to use the th 400 so i have to use the th350 the power steering box will not work on the 1967 frame you have to get the kit for the 1964--66 chevy convetion kit the 1968--72 have the indetion for the power steering box the 1967 frame is Flat

remmber to replace the hole front end new ball joints bushing trust me you want a good handling truck do that the air bags is a good trick to keep down
the bouncing down and wobbling down in the back a rear sway bar would be good to for the suburban

the brake booster bracket look at it that is the one you need
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