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Old 04-13-2007, 09:53 PM   #1
lbpd719's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Los Banos, California
Posts: 228
Noob w/ 69 LWB Custom Camper


Have searched and have not been able to find some info on my new truck..

First Crazy question, what are the springs behind the passenger seat for? (the ones in the cubby behind the door and the one on the floor)

Second, my truck has 3 tanks, and the selector switch on the floor next to the drivers seat, which positions on the switch are for which tank? I have not been able to locate a switch to move the gage to any of the other tanks (works on the cab tank)..

Third, who was the manufacturer for the 3/4 ton rear end, I want to order a gasket for the cover so I can drain and inspect the ring gear and dont want to get the wrong one.. found this one

I am sure I will have more and more questions as time goes on, as there are a few things to go back together on this ride, but it will be sweet when all done.. Pics coming soon..

Thanks in advance..

Last edited by lbpd719; 04-13-2007 at 10:02 PM. Reason: update
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