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Old 04-13-2007, 10:37 PM   #3
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Re: Noob w/ 69 LWB Custom Camper

Thanks for the info and welcome..

I have springs out back and from what I can tell in partial darkness its got a 10 bolt totally round cover, so I figure its the Eaton rear..

Will be pulling out the seat tomorrow hopefully (weather permitting) and getting it cleaned up. Hope to get some pic's up soon. Might make a wrecking yard run too and try to clean up some of the vac leaks at the carb.. Still fires up like a dream. It has one of the older Target Master crate motors in it, but is remarkably stock still..

Hopefully I will not be replacing the carb anytime soon and cleaning up the vac leaks will take care of it..

It also makes horrible brake noise when backing/applying brakes. Hopefully thats not a warning sign of trouble.. have to drive it as I am working on it..

Thanks again for the info..
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