fuse size instead of fusible link(s)
72 C-10 - I-6
Starting over - found an old post I'd made - geesch - memory is going!
Have 20 amp fuse instead of fusible link - truck starts - fuse blows - stays running and everything works.
Been through all the "electrical" and "shorts" posts - can't find anything similiar - Rang out all the wiring - no shorts -
Ringing to ground - red wire - when key is on - even with voltage regulator unhooked - all good at back of ignition (took it out to check even).
Any idea where to start next? Am I just under fused at 20A (fusible link was 14A)?
"A cat will almost always blink when hit between the eyes with a ball peen hammer"
(you don't always have to state the obvious)
Wear your PPE! You can eat with false teeth but you can't see with a false eye.
1959 Studebaker Silverhawk 350/400
1972 C10 L6 3OTT
2005 F350 - Built - whew!
Last edited by Luvlegs; 04-14-2007 at 11:53 AM.