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Old 04-19-2007, 09:15 PM   #1
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Alternator wiring harness - Revisited

This morning I was led to toddtheodd's harness modification post through krue's FAQs after I posted a question as titled above. Todd's post was apparently very thorough, however I did encounter a problem this evening when I did the modification to my harness and now have another question. For those who haven't looked at the post, it was originally posted 09-12-2004 at 07:55 AM and is listed among krue's FAQs. My question is: What becomes of the red wire cut from the external regulator plug?? It is not mentioned in the re-wire procedure. After checking for (and finding) continuity between this red wire and the red wire to be connected to the alternator I assumed that the wire was no longer required and cut and capped it and enclosed it in the old harness re-tape. I'd like to get confirmation that this was the right thing to do before I complete the connections and try it out. I'd especially like to hear from toddtheodd and welcome any input from anyone who can help. Thanks.
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