what it this, and should it be glowing?
after replying to "what did you get done" and not having done a thing, I went out to my truck to clean up some of the stuff in the cab. I fired it up and as I was moving around the AC boxes which the PO disconnected (I had the truck running just to trickle up the battery) I noticed a glowing coil in the AC box which is still connected to the firewall..
here is a pic.. Any ideas anyone? the larger coil in the rear is the one that was glowing pretty well (was glowing but didn't come out well in the picture). It went out when I turned the truck off..
Thanks in advance for any info..
1969 C20 LWB Camper Special - The Beater..
1998 Cheyenne V6 - 4/6 Drop - For The Son