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Old 05-02-2007, 03:22 PM   #10
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Re: could cam be wiped but are lifters ok?

The problem doesn't sound mechanical. Are you running roller tip rockers?
If so, they're just going to be noisey no matter what you do. Also, certain cams that are very aggresive slam the exhaust valve down hard and it will make the same "loose rocker" noise.

What cam are you running? 10 degrees may not be enough timing. Also, there is a good chance that your vacuum advance may not be right. Which port on the carb do you have it hooked to? It should be connected to the port that has NO vacuum at idle. Otherwise if you have it connected to constant vacuum it will be pulling timing into your initial timing.

Got any pics?

Good luck,

Originally Posted by crm318 View Post
i realize that this post may make me seem like i
dont know about the do and donts about cams. i know that you cant reuse lifters. i have all of the valvetrain on a tray to fit back into the assigned lifter bores. it just seemed that the cam might be wiped by the way it was acting. the engine is a vortec headed 350 with a newly rebuilt quadrajet, new accel HEI distributor, timing set at 10 degrees (have experimented with diffrent settings). it accelorates up to 35-40 nicely under cruising conditions. after that it starts to run rough. full throttle is out of the question. the lifters look great so i assume that the cam is ok. when i get it buttoned back up, i plan to take the quadrajet off of my running truck and put it on to see if its a carb problem. could it be unadjusted valvetrain? i tried to do the hose in ear adjustment but it seemed that there was a slight ticking on all the rockers no matter how much i tightend them.
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