This morning at about 2:30 a.m. I awoke to heavy smoke and a smoke detector going off. I woke up my girlfriend and then ran around the house waking up the other three people. Luckily we all got out safe but I wasn't able to save my six month old puppy. Our 2 year old dog did make it out though. The house is probably a total loss and my truck and three motorcycles melted to the ground. Looks like it stared at an electical socket in the garage with nothing plugged into it! I hope insurance will give me even half what my truck was worth so I can get started on a new one in a few months. I'll post pictures when I can, but like I said it's pretty much gone. I had just brought it down from my parents house last weekend.

**** HAPPENS. Everyone check the batteries in your smoke detectors and install extra's if needed. They saved our lives.