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Old 05-16-2007, 04:16 PM   #1
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Thumbs down time for a rant ! repro tailgate again !

well it's time to finish my bed and I have the new rerpo tailgate I bought and paid good money for last fall and I still am just gonna have to weld 3 or 4 old one's together before I will have a tailgate for my truck ,
I installed this new one last night and fooled with for 3 hour's and I just am gonna say that it is a lost cause , and as far as fixing it you can't as not one piece of it can be used , they ain't no way to align it , it's thin as paper , I am just gonna take it back off and start cutting old one's apart I have three old one's none of which are any good as is , it's ashamed too because I have worked hard on this and the $400 buck's I paid for this piece of scrap was supposed to help me finish this truck without 2 week's worth of welding and fabricating on old tailgates ,
rant #2 the front fender patch on the front tip , I went to install it $50 buck's I paid for it and it was a full inche to short !! I had to cut it in half and widen it out before I could install it ,
well I'm done
1967 C10 Shortbed Fleetside Small back glass
6 cyl 3spd on the tree 3.08 gears
underdash AC
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