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Old 05-31-2007, 12:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Wa.
Posts: 20,131
OK trying again...WTB 3 on tree stuff

Because the other thread got a bit out of hand for some reason Im re-doing it.

This is a Want to buy thread. If you want to buy the same stuff too...start your own thread, and if you're not a subscriber and unable to post your own WTB thread, subscribe, its cheap and well worth the money...don't try to ride on my coat tails and snipe me. Sheesh, now that I got that out of the way

Im looking for,linkage from column to tranny, the small shift arms on the tranny and chrome shifter arm on the column. I want to reconvert my truck to column shift. The linkage needs to be out of a truck that ran a saginaw full sincro 3-sp. If you want to consider a trade, I have the 3-sp floor shifter set up in mine I will trade. But I will pay cash if you have what Im looking for.

I DO NOT need the column itself and I DO NOT need the steering wheel. I dont mean to come off as pizzy, but I guess I needed to be a little more clear and toss in some of the board rules so no one gets crap.
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