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Old 06-03-2007, 11:43 AM   #26
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Location: King City, Ontario, Canada
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Re: What you get for 7K in Canada :(

aha, if your gunna try to find a truck up here in canada, look in alberta, and in vancouver area. alot of our generation trucks are still working truck around vancouver, and their warmer climate over there really helps save the bodies.
looking in barns is sometimes the best way to go, all the hay and such really save the trucks, keeps em dry. Beaten and worn paint is good, becasue you always know what your buying...

on the other hand, buying in the states aint that bad.

i bought my truck outa St. Louis, Mo
- Jason

If you can turn, Youre not going fast enough.

Favorite caption:

first car to 200 mph in the 1/4 mile, no parachute, drum brakes all the way around..
..back when men were men.

Last edited by 69halfton; 06-03-2007 at 11:44 AM.
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