Re: Transmission troubles!!!! need help Quick!!!!!
It died. I drove to work today and as I left the house this morning it shifted fine through 1,2,&3. After it warmed up it wouldnt shift into 3rd and when I did get it to go into 3 it would slip like crazy.So, out with the old and in with the new. I will be picking up a 700r4 tomorrow afternoon and dropping off my drive shaft to have it reworked. Which brings up the Question. How long does my driveshaft need to be,or how much needs to be cut off of it??
1972 chevy cheyenne 10,nothing special at the moment,Its a work in progress, Working on the engine, paint and body,engine, paint and body,now its the suspenion, ahh hell I'm about tired of working on it. Maybe it will be a rat rod.