Re: Need help! C10 or C20
WELCOME!! Shak,since I don't know how much mechanical ability you have I would suggest first reading a lot of the posts.The FAQ's will have lots of stuff on the mechanical part and there should be some on the body stuff also.Nothing on these trucks is High Tech so it's just a matter of applied mechanics.There are tons of knowledgable people on this BB who have started with as little or less know how than you already have.In fact most of them started out not being able to go to the bathroom by themselves and worked their way up.One of the $$$ rules in classic trucks/cars is"Always start with the best body you can,for every $ spent up front you will save yourself some coin down the road".This remains true unless you want to or are willing to do body work.All of the mechanicals and most body parts are available for these trucks and we have BB vendors all over the US.Most of the questions you will ask have been dealt with by members before so we can help with answers.Don't be offended if someone suggests you search the FAQ's for info or for a more complete write-up to adress you ?'s since many of them are very comprehensive and may give details we would overlook in a standard reply.
As an additional note there are many used parts and some complete trucks needing new homes.They can be found in the classifieds.
If you have the means please consider supporting the BB by becoming a subscriber.It will be the best $25.00 you ever spend on one of these trucks.There is a link at the top of the page.
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You can't fix stupid,not even with duct tape.
"My appearance is due to the fact that "GOD" does punish you for having too much fun!"
Barrett-Jackson has perfected alchemy,they make rust into gold!
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't saddle a duck"
"Cleverly disguised as a 'Responsible Adult'
"Sometimes your Knight in shining armor is just a retard in tinfoil"