Originally Posted by special-K
...but leave the best modern truck body style alone.They got it right.Why do some people want to get one of these,then completely change it?
I think a lot of people have the idea that somehow different=cool... and in some ways it is, but only when the change is also an aesthetic improvement. Many make the mistake of thinking it will be "cool" simply based on the fact that it's different/custom. In reality "different" does not necessarily mean it will actually LOOK BETTER than before. I do all my stuff in photoshop before changing anything. Once I get it they way I like it on screen I go out in the garage...
I don't want to rant or preach, and I have no idea at this point if the changes on this truck look better or not with out a more complete view. But I do see where special-k is coming from.
Let's see some more pics!