It depends on how much you want to do. The ones I've built, I had the machine shop install the cam bearings (simply because it's a PITA), install the rings on the pistons and the pistons on the rods, and install the freeze plugs, and I did the rest (aside from the actual machine work.) A ring compressor and a valve spring compressor are about the only tools I remember buying for the purpose of engine work.
It's not as if there's any really intricate,
difficult steps, just a lot of little things to keep track of. Biggies are to keep everything nice and clean, take your time, and have a plan. Probably for your first time out, you'd want to find a good book to help guide you, plus you get torque sequences/specs, and helpful reference stuff like that.
Originally Posted by randomhero472
on a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to rebuild one of these yourself... and any special tools you need? thanks