Re: Junk-Yard Shopping list
up to something mid 70's 6 cyinder novas and ??? - I've pulled the electronic distrubutor AND external coils (usually mounted on the side of the block) - if you remember, get the bolts that the coil mounts on... they are like threaded rod with a nut in the middle - one end holds the side plate on the block, then the coil slides on and then another nut (I had to make mine).
"A cat will almost always blink when hit between the eyes with a ball peen hammer"
(you don't always have to state the obvious)
Wear your PPE! You can eat with false teeth but you can't see with a false eye.
1959 Studebaker Silverhawk 350/400
1972 C10 L6 3OTT
2005 F350 - Built - whew!