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Old 07-22-2007, 01:57 PM   #25
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Re: Old Armstrong type tires - Still available?

Yukon Jack, you best savor them Generals while they hold up for you and no blow outs. Lucky dog!

The ebay numbers that Soutedisto posted:
Those are Multi-Mile brand, "Power King Traction Camper", part number YT-60 9.50-16.5LT. NO LONGER AVAILABLE. I just called them a month ago. Last time they sold them was Dec 2004. They checked nationwide of anybody that might have them on their shelves. No luck. Bummer. These are real close to the Goodyear Custom Xtra-Grip Hi-Miler versions.

The second one he gives:
Are the ones pointed to by Robert in his link, the Super Traxion, Figure A picture. Look close at the tire name and tread design on the ebay pic and the STA website.

I'm hoping the Super Traxion is still available. After that, I don't know of any "cooL" old style 16.5 lug tires out there.

Robert, don't wait to long to buy the Super Traxion if that is what you want. I waited and waited until I needed new tires. I WANTED the Multi-Mile Power Kings. Dreaming of the day I could have all Power Kings on the K20. Didn't want to buy and store them, but I waited too long and now they are no longer available. Learned my lesson. And buy about 6 because you need one for a spare, and the the 6th one for the final spare after you use the real spare!

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. Nobody mentioned the old Herculese brand tires. Long time name IIRC:
I think Cooper is one that makes the private label for them. The Super Traction bias looks real close to the Cooper version.

Does anyone know of/about Dynatrac tires ? Here is one one Evil Bay that looks like the old lug style, and fairly new/crisp looking:

Or see attached picture.

I googled my keyboard off but can't find any, real, info about that name or company. Anyone?
Attached Images
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