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Old 08-23-2007, 05:10 PM   #9
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Re: Cleaning a short block?

if you clean your motor, the way you are suggesting, and you are gonna reseal this motor, it would be a good idea to clean or replace your oil pump pick up, but only if your gonna pull the engine and put it back.(rear main seal and pan gasket) the only reason i say this is i cleaned a pretty gummy small block once with a product called motor flush. (mostly kerosene in a can).
the junk that came loose eveywhere ended up in the oil pump pick up and clogged the screen, and basically the engine starved for oil and didn't last long after i cleaned it out. maybe 2 or 3 thousand miles. the good news was the engine was really really clean at tear down
not to discourage you or anything but its a possibility you may wish to keep in mind. Tony
i survived cancer and kidney stones, but my kids are killing me.
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