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Old 08-26-2007, 01:35 PM   #14
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Re: Compression ratios for cheap gas...

Originally Posted by mtndewmaniac66 View Post
Trust me, you do not want to run CHEAP GAS, It will do you more harm than good in the end. Trust-worthy stations such as Amoco, Conoco, Phillips, Sinclair, and Texaco, manufacture fuels that have been formulated to work most efficiently in any vehicle. Including our older GMs. By running an un-trustworthy gas in your vehicle permits unwanted contamination, unneccessary inert ingredients, and even a higher percentage of water. Ever wonder why the Cornerstop Pumps are way cheaper than the above mentioned? Is it worth the risk? I have owned a few built cars in my time, just to mention my two faster ones, both the '70 Nova, and the '82 TransAm. I have had to replace Carburetors, re-ring, decarbonize Valves, and replace fuel pumps due to CHEAP GAS.

I am not saying what you can or can't use gas wise, but at least keep in thought as to WHY that CHEAP GAS is so cheap.
Well, by cheap gas, I mean 87 octane. I usually use 76 or Mobile. My buddy rebuilds carburators for a living and agrees with your view on crap gas...
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