Thread: Any Burn Out's
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Old 09-19-2007, 04:05 PM   #19
Longhorn Man
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Re: Any Burn Out's

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck View Post
I've never had to hold the brakes on mine to spin 'em. I've got an older 350 (probably barely pushing 200 hp) and a 3.73 rear end and I can light em up just by putting the pedal to the floor.

You must have a really high rear end?
Doing it against the brakes is harder to do, just about any properly running stock truck can spin outta the hole.

The brake torque/power brake/brake stand/burrn out... it comes from drag raceing.
Originally, they did it just for show.
Then, someone discovered the added heat helps with traction.
On street tires at the track, a full burn out only kills your tires. just a quick 10 foot spinning of the tires is all that's needed, and that's just to kick the garbage out of the treat.

On the street, burn outs are for showing off. (and a good way to get a ticket) Hold the brake, stab the gas, let 'em rip. A stick is a little tougher, but still pretty simple.
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