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Old 09-19-2007, 10:22 PM   #3
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Re: What size brake lines?

My c/20 had (i'm going by the sizes on my reciept)
1/4 for all of the rear brakes and 3/16 for the front
On my K/10 it has the 3/16 from the rear cylinders to the hose. (one end has to have a larger screw end for it to screw into the box for the hose ) I used an adapter. from the hose it had 1/4 all the way to the prop valve. for the front I'm pretty sure it had the 1/4 from the pro. valve to a block and 3/16 from the block going to each front brake hose.
Note... for the rear brakes the line comming from the prop. valve has a larger end that screws into the prop. valve.

Last edited by xshadow; 09-19-2007 at 10:24 PM.
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