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Old 09-24-2007, 04:49 PM   #17
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Rochester, NY USA
Posts: 70
Re: 454???? yes? no?

The hp comparison stated above to the 1960s engines is a naive one.

Do a search on gross vs net horsepower to learn why the numbers are so different.

Also, the fact that 87 was the lowest rated horsepower for a 454 is a moot point. A 1987 454 is going to respond to the same mods as an earlier 454. Change the heads, remove all the smog crap (if legal in your area) and watch your hp numbers double.

And lastly, horsepower is a greatly overblown figure in a truck. Torque is far more valuable than horsepower in moving the weight in question.

Let the flame wars begin!
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