After about 2-3 weeks I managed to get the new dizzy in and get it running pretty good. I gave up on the balancer that I had. I found a place that sells and refurbs balancers so I gave them a call. They have a 6 and 8 inch balancer that the timing mark and key way slot are lined up so for the heck of it I got one of each

. Should be here in a day or two.
Think I will go with the 8. Anyway if I go by the vac guage I have good vacuum 18-19 when the balancers timing mark is directly under my water pump. No pinging that I can hear and runs real smooth after it gets warmed up. Im guessing I am right at 10-12. So a big thanks to all that I just about drove

with all of the balancer questions. Next thing to tackle is getting a engine stand so I can put the 327 on it and start tearing it down. But that is for another thread.