Thread: Back-Up Lights
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Old 10-03-2007, 04:44 PM   #2
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Re: Back-Up Lights

Is the reverse switch hooked up? If the truck is an automatice or 3 speed manual the switch should be on the column. For a 4 speed I believe it is on the transmission.

You can take the wires off the switch and with a test light you should have power to one side of the switch. If you do, then use a jumper wire and put power across and eliminate the switch, and if they work now you probably have a bad switch.
59 GMC 9314 a.k.a. Whoopee
68 C20 50th Anniversary a.k.a. The Rat

1.61803 is one H of a lot better than 3.14159, no really it is!
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