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Old 10-03-2007, 08:31 PM   #1
Camaro Club
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: ohio
Posts: 472
I cant believe i missed it

Well i dropped my front bumper and doors off today to get them sandblasted and the man doing it started asking where i got the doors. I said "i took them off my truck" and he said oh you have the whole truck " uh yeah". Then he started to tell me he had a 68 swb chevy that he took apart and sandblasted everything and sprayed it with epoxy primer then someone stole his money he had saved up to buy his parts with so he parked the truck on his back hill for a few years then just recently sold it to a guy in my town for $800. He said everything was there except the motor and tranny. He even said before it was primed he had new rockers put in it and that was the only thing that had to be replaced. I can't believe i missed this deal. But atleast i now know i have a 67-72 fan sandblasting my parts so maybe he'll take alittle more care of them while he's got them.
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