Re: Longhorn Mans Western Tour 2007
I rolled in about a 1/2 hr ago. I woulda been about an hr, hr and a half sooner, but 2 miles after taking the pic of the Ohio sighn, I puled into a road side rest... some of the dew wanted out, and i saw a cat there with a 52 ford, tools scattered, and lotsa cussin. So I git him rollin, he tossed me some money, then argued with me that I WILL take it.
I didn't even notice it was a $50 till I got down the road. Hell of a guy. I got pics of the car, I'll go and resize everything tomorow.
TJ, yes, I have gray on my chin. Onmy chest too... it's caused by havin an EX WIFE!
Everything went great. I had planned on haulin straight through last night, but around 3 or 4 in the morning, I had to pull over. But it was all good, crashed for 3 hrs, and I'm still goin.
I'll count the dew cans... i did end up havin to restock the cooler.
Do the red bull cans count too?
Again, the support you guys have offered me for this trip, is nothing short of amazing. You guys offered places to sleep, food, parts, everything i coulda needed, you guys offered. The crew at CG's place, they made me feel like a lazy SOB. Some one would say "hey, what about this?" And there'd be 2 ppl jump on it. Then someone else would say "what about that?" and BAM... it was taken care of. You guys really did put forth a lot of effort to it, and while I know I thanked each and every one of you.... I'm doing it again... thank you.
Those photoshopped pics were funny as hell... I almost sprayed the comp with dew on that!
I know i'm forgetting something, but oh well... I need some sleep.