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Old 10-09-2007, 05:38 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Delran, NJ
Posts: 458
D'oh! Killed my AC compressor clutch?

A couple days ago I was fiddling around with the underdash wiring while trying to get some fog lights wired up. Well, I must have accidentally popped off the cable connected to the bottom lever of the heater control, which acts as the AC switch (I have an Old Air setup). Of course, I didn't realize this until the next time I turned the air on, at which point the compressor violently protested. It squealed like a pig and seriously bogged down the engine. While troubleshooting, I tried the AC few more times and got nuthin' but more squealing. After I finally figured out the problem, I tried the AC again and the compressor ran, but not without a little groaning and whining (and maybe some clicking). In addition, there is a noticeable (but not as pig-like) periodic squeal coming from the alternator area when the AC is OFF. So my question is twofold: 1. What does that cable do? I figured it controls the clutch solenoid, but I don't understand why the compressor would try to run without the solenoid activated. I thought that the only thing that needed to happen for the compressor to kick in was that the clutch had to engage. 2. Did I kill the clutch, the compressor or both? 3. (So I lied a little) Why does the alternator now whine? 4. (So I lied a lot) How much is this going to cost me?

Thanks in advance,
-Jamie (and Frankenburb)
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