Thread: Blowing fuses?
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Old 10-22-2007, 07:23 PM   #6
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Re: Blowing fuses?

Yes, you want to recreate the condition that blew the fuse. if it is when the lights are on then turn them on. It will save you many fuses if you don't find it right away.
Before the guys in the shop found out this method to diagnose shorts, I watched a tech that had been chasing a short that was causing him grief put a shunt in instead of fuse. Waited for smoke and found the short. Not a good idea but he did find it. That was over ten years ago. I would much rather keep the wires from melting and destoying other items.
Try it out. For instance, if you have a cig lighter, connect the leads from headlamp to where fuse should be. Stick a screwdriver in lighter socket to create short to ground and watch the light lite up. Remove screwdriver and light will go out.
Then find your short with same method of hooking up the bulb with the circut LIVE. We did create some different variations to keep the bulb itself from melting plastic and carpet by containing it in a can with many ventialtion holes. David
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