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Old 11-05-2007, 04:03 PM   #1
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Location: Toronto, On
Posts: 65
Help ! - I'm an IDIOT

Should have left well enough alone.

Going deer hunting tomorrow so I took a look under the hood. Oil OK. Rad OK. Brake fluid looks bad. It's brown and there is obvious rust particles.

So, I siphon the fluid out and wipe up all the crud. Put new fluid in and NO PEDAL. It goes to the floor with no resistance.

I pull the front output line off the prop valve. The first push of the pedal shoots out some nasty looking fluid then nothing.

So I pull off the master cylinder and take it apart. It is gross with rusty brake fluid. Clean it all up, put it back in, still no pedal and nothing coming out the output ports (not hooked up yet).

Should also mention that when I refilled it after cleaning the reservoirs, I used dot 5 fluid (it's supposed to be compatible and is not hydroscopic).

I figure MC is toast. Can't get a rebuild kit. Can't get a remanufactured MC till Monday. Could have gotten a new MC today, but got lost going to the place and was late.

Any feedback on the brakes would be appreciated. Don't bother trying to console for being stupid. I've been this way for a long time and I'm kinda used to it.
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